
Thought of the Day September 28, 2018 True joy

By 9:36 AM

To know I am so loved–unworthy as I am is joy. To know that the consequences of Jesus’ death/resurrection is my salvation is joy. He has made me whole once more, a new...

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Reflection on Scripture Twenty-sixth Sunday Year B Discipleship

By 9:32 AM

Twenty-sixth Sunday Ordinary Gospel Reflections B John said to Jesus, "Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in your name, and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow us."  ·...

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Homily Twenty-sixth Sunday Year B God is in control

By 11:03 AM

Homily Twenty-sixth Sunday Year B Reading 1: It is the Lord who is the initiator and the source of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, one of which is prophesy. God’s Spirit was...

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Thought of the Day September 27, 2018 Forgiveness and joy

By 10:02 AM

As the Prodigal Son admitted his wrongdoing and asked forgiveness, seeking only to be accepted once more into relationship, not as son but as a hired hand, so the repentant thief admitted his...

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Thought of the Day September 26, 2018 The joy of forgiveness

By 10:47 AM

However, by grace I come to know the full revelation of God’s merciful love, shown me in the death and resurrection of Jesus, my Reconciler and Redeemer. By grace, I can choose to...

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Thought of the Day September 25, 2018 Rejoice

By 10:40 AM

In all these (and more), my joy is not so much in what he has and continues to do for me, unworthy as I am.  No, my joy is in the One who...

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Thought of the Day September 24, 2018 God is my joy

By 10:33 AM

What gives me joy? Winning the office pool or the lottery? A substantial increase in my salary? The birth of my first child or grandchild? A feeling of being loved by my spouse? ...

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Homily Twenty-fifth Sunday Year B Humility and service

By 10:42 AM

Homily Twenty-fifth Sunday Year B Reading 1: Last Sunday, we read from the prophet Isaiah where he prophesied about one who would suffer innocently. It is called the Song of the Suffering Servant...

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Thought of the Day September 19, 2018 Embraced

By 9:38 AM

Many times because of our father-wounds we resist any of the times God reaches out to love us. We can’t accept his love because we wrongly believe that we are not worthy. We...

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Reflection on Scripture Twenty-fifth Sunday Gospel B Humility

By 9:39 AM

Twenty-fifth Sunday Year B They left from there and began a journey through Galilee, but Jesus did not wish anyone to know about it.  He was teaching his disciples and telling them, "The...

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Thought of the Day September 18, 2018 Our father-wounds

By 9:31 AM

 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1We can’t equate or duplicate God’s love for us, but we can imitate his love, be a reflection...

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Apologetic Tract Euthanasia

By 9:58 AM

 Euthanasia ...

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Thought of the Day September 17, 2018 The Father's love

By 9:40 AM

Every day God says to us: “You are my son., my daughter.” God the Father wants to embrace each of us each day with the same abandoned love, unconditional love, unmerited love as...

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Thought of the Day September 14, 2018 Jesus's love

By 9:48 AM

 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1As he experienced the Father’s love in his humanity, Jesus fathered the apostles through love. His love was...

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By 2:27 PM


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Homily Twenty-Fourth Sunday Year B Faith in Jesus

By 10:54 AM

Homily: Twenty-Fourth Sunday Year B Reading 1: Who is Isaiah prophesying about? “I gave my back to those who beat me, my face I did not shield from buffets and spitting….The Lord God...

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Thought of the Day September 13, 2018 The Father's love

By 9:43 AM

Jesus came to reveal the true picture of His Father, who is our Father.  Jesus was a reflection and an instrument of the Father’s love. “I do what my Father shows me.  To...

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Thought of the Day September 12, 2018 You are my beloved.

By 10:49 AM

At the time of his baptism, Jesus was sustained by one single experience in his life. After his baptism in the Jordan, while in prayer, he experienced a theophany: The Father with great...

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Reflection on Scripture Twenty-Fourth Sunday Gospel B The Christ

By 10:31 AM

Twenty-fourth Sunday Year B Mark 8:27-35 Now Jesus and his disciples set out for the villages of Caesarea Philippi. Along the way he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that I am?"...

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Thought of the Day September 11, 2018 Embraced by the Father

By 10:16 AM

Embraced by the Father. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens, as he chose us in...

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Thought of the Day His coming is for you in love

By 9:36 AM

How do we reconcile the image of God as the Lord who is to judge the living and the dead; the Creator of all; the One seated on the throne; the All-in-All; this...

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Thought of the Day September 7, 2018 The God of love

By 8:49 AM

If the voice of the Lord seems angry with us or we are afraid to her his voice, we may be projecting our own self-guilt or self-condemnation upon the Lord. We perceive that...

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Thought of the Day September 6, 2018 Be a servant

By 9:36 AM

Story: It is said that demons were sent to win souls away from God. One by one they were questioned by the demon-in-charge on the strategy each would use. One said that he...

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Homily Twenty-Third Sunday Year B Have faith in God

By 10:48 AM

Homily Twenty-Third Sunday Year B Reading 1: Background.  People are exiled in Babylonia because they broke their sacred covenant with God. Isaiah gives them a message of hope from God. He said that...

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Thought of the Day September 5, 2018 The voice of the Lord

By 9:49 AM

The voice of the Lord is the voice of the Shepherd calling his own by name. These hear his voice and answer him. They know him and he knows them. The voice of...

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Reflection on Scripture Twenty-Third Sunday Gospel B

By 9:25 AM

Twenty-Third Sunday Year B Again Jesus left the district of Tyre and went by way of Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, into the district of the Decapolis. · Jesus goes to Sidon...

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Thought of the Day September 4, 2018 The voice of the Lord

By 9:18 AM

We cannot understand God's love for us. His love is forever and unconditional. He may chastise us and discipline us but always  because of his great love. We do not love ourselves or...

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Apologetic Tracts Faith and Works

By 10:02 AM

Faith & Works Sometimes we...

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