
Thought of the Day June 28, 2019 Love for love

By 10:30 AM

"Do not let the past disturb you, just leave everything in the Sacred Heart and begin again with joy." (Mother Teresa of Calcutta) What an attitude to begin with each day!  Too often...

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Homily Thirteenth Sunday Year C Discipleship

By 10:47 AM

Homily: 13th Sunday Year C Reading 1: Elijah is a prophet of God who served God faithfully. Now, he is called by God to pass the baton, the torch of prophecy to another,...

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Thought of the Day June 27, 2019 Praise and glory

By 10:05 AM

Being in the eternal presence of God, seeing him face to face, sharing in his eternal life will stir in us a sense of awe and wonder that expresses itself in praise, honor,...

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Thought of the Day June 26, 2019 Beatific Vision: our inheritance

By 10:12 AM

Our glorious inheritance will involve meeting and seeing God in eternity. This is theologically called the Beatific Vision. This is how the Catechism of the Catholic Church describes this happiness. “Because of his...

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Reflection on Scripture Thirteenth Sunday Gospel C Discipleship

By 10:33 AM

Thirteenth Sunday Gospel C When the days for Jesus’ being taken up were fulfilled, he resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem, and he sent messengers ahead of him.   · Jesus’ ministry in Galilee...

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Thought of the Day June 25, 2019 Meeting with the Father

By 10:25 AM

(Continuing Our Glorious Inheritance) What will our inheritance, eternal life, look like in human terms according to God’s revelation? Paul tells us: “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and...

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Thought of the Day June 24, 2019 Our inheritance will be unfading and kept in heaven

By 9:36 AM

Our glorious inheritance will be unfading and kept in heaven. Unfading. As we grow older our youth fades; sometimes our vision fades; even some of our earthly desires and hopes fade. But the...

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Thought of the Day June 21, 2019 Our inheritance is undefiled.

By 10:23 AM

(Continuing our Glorious Inheritance) Our inheritance is undefiled: Since Christ is perfect, the life he promises us is perfect. And for us to experience this inheritance we must be ultimately cleansed from all...

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Thought of the Day June 20, 2019 Our inheritance: imperishable

By 10:33 AM

(Continuing Our Glorious Inheritance) What do we specifically know about our inheritance? We read in the First Letter of Peter what the Spirit has revealed to us about our inheritance.  “Blessed be the...

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Homily Feast of Corpus Christi Year C

By 10:34 AM

Homily: Feast of Corpus Christi Year C Reading 1: We know very little about the person Melchizedek. He was King of Jerusalem and priest of God. He recognized that Abraham was a man...

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Thought of the Day June 19, 2019 Father's plan

By 9:43 AM

(Continuing Our Glorious Inheritance) Without the Son of God in our lives in a meaningful way, nothing else is of lasting worth. There is no eternal life with God without being in union...

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Prayers Novena to Sacred Heart of Jesus June 19-27, 2019

By 10:00 AM

Novena prayer to Sacred Heart of Jesus June 19-27, 2019  O Divine Jesus, you said: Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you....

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Thought of the Day June 18, 2019 Relationship with Jesus is our inheritance

By 9:59 AM

(Continuing our glorious inheritance) What is central to this life journey in reference to claiming our inheritance? John in the fourth Gospel reveals this central mystery of God’s plan. “For God so loved...

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Thought of the Day June 17, 2019 Blessings from God

By 10:10 AM

(Continuing Our Glorious Inheritance) Paul proclaims in his Letter to the Ephesians: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing...

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Thought of the Day June 14, 2019 Our glorious inheritance

By 1:20 PM

Our Glorious Inheritance What is our understanding of the concept of inheritance? An inheritance is something promised to us while a person is living and given to us when a person dies. According...

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Thought of the Day June 13, 2019 Root of freedom

By 9:50 AM

"No circumstance in the world can ever prevent us from believing in God, from placing all our trust in him, from loving him with our whole heart, or from loving our neighbor. Faith,...

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Homily Feast of the Most Blessed Trinity Year C Mystery

By 10:31 AM

Homily: Trinity Sunday C Reading 1: We say God is all-wise. The Holy Spirit is personified as Wisdom. The Old Testament people were not able to grasp the mystery of God let alone...

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Thought of the Day June 12, 2019 Not to die a saint

By 9:28 AM

Leon Bloi at the end of a successful life as a writer wrote: "at death the saddest thing is not to die a saint." Reflect on this. The life of a disciple is...

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Reflection on Scripture Solemnity of the Holy Trinity Gospel C The Spirit of Truth

By 2:13 PM

Solemnity of the Holy Trinity Gospel C Jesus said to his disciples: "I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth,...

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Thought of the Day June 11, 2019 Empowered for mission

By 12:38 PM

The role and mission of the Spirit is also to empower us for mission: to witness in the power of the Holy Spirit the good News of God's love with signs and wonders...

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Thought of the Day June 10, 2019 Baptism in the Spirit renews us

By 9:43 AM

In this outpouring (Baptism in the Spirit) there is a hidden, mysterious dimension that is different for each person because only God knows us intimately. He acts in a way that respects the...

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Thought of the Day June 6, 2019 Baptism is actuated

By 9:55 AM

This outpouring of the Spirit (Baptism in the Spirit) actualizes and revives our baptism.  This new grace helps the Sacrament of Baptism, received many years ago, come alive and be revived so that...

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Homily Solemnity of Pentecost Year C Role of the Spirit

By 10:30 AM

Homily Solemnity of Pentecost Year C Gospel: In John’s theology, though there is a time factor in the pascal mystery—the birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension, the coming of the Spirit and Jesus’ second...

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Thought of the Day June 5, 2019 Be renewed

By 9:33 AM

Baptism in the Spirit "is not an event in and of itself but rather the beginning of a journey whose aim is the profound renewal of life" of each Christian and of the...

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Thought of the Day June 4, 2019 Baptism in the Spirit is a grace

By 10:13 AM

We need a new boldness to share with others. Let us reflect on the witnesses of the past. First, what was the experience of the early Church when the Spirit came on Pentecost....

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Thought of the Day Jun 3, 2019 We need the power and presence of the Spirit

By 11:30 AM

Renewed in the Spirit, to many the celebration of sacraments, has become more meaningful and personal by becoming lectors and Extraordinary ministers of Eucharist both in Mass and to the home bound. Many...

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