The final point of Pope Francis' reflection on the practical steps to show mercy towards others is forgiveness. "Forgive and you will be forgiven." (Luke 6:37) God shows us his mercy through the...
In a reflection on the need to be merciful, Pope Francis drew from the Gospel three practical steps to help us how to be merciful in our daily life. Yesterday, we reflected on...
Reflection on Scripture Fourth Sunday Ordinary Gospel A Way to lasting happiness
By spiritaflame 10:54 AM Reading ReflectionsFourth Sunday Ordinary Gospel A When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain, and after he had sat down, his disciples came to him. · Matthew lists nine “beatitudes”; Luke only...
Jesus said that we are to be merciful as the Father is merciful. This virtue of mercy and compassion is essential to the Christian's journey. In a reflection on the need to be...
How compassionate are we? The word "compassion" means to "suffer with" someone, in the sense of coming to the person's aid. Jesus showed compassion frequently in his ministry. Take the example of Jesus...
Homily: Third Sunday Ordinary Time Year A Reading 1: The Church continues its reflection on Isaiah with a familiar theme we have seen during the Christmas season. There is darkness in the world...
Reflections on the Scriptures Third Sunday Ordinary Gospel A Call to be disciples
By spiritaflame 10:45 AM Reading ReflectionsThird Sunday Ordinary Gospel A When Jesus heard that John had been arrested, he withdrew to Galilee. · Jesus had gone down to the Jordan in Judea where John was baptizing. Now, he...
The prayer of the leper requesting healing from Jesus began with, "Lord, if you will, you can heal me." Reflecting on this Pope Francis says we can use this as our prayer every...
Thought of the Day January 20, 2020 Faith or lack of faith
By spiritaflame 10:05 AM Thought of the DayIn the Gospels many people came to Jesus for healing. Some approached Jesus with the request, "if you will", others said, "if you can". One is an act of faith; the other is...
Homily: Second Sunday Ordinary Year A Reading: There are three Suffering Servant Songs in Isaiah in which the prophet identifies the future Messiah. Last Sunday, the first reading was also from the Book...
A certain captain of soldiers, who took a great delight in hunting, once came in search of wild animals to the desolate mountain where Macedonius dwelt. He was prepared for hunting, having brought...
Thought of the Day January 16, 2020 The only thing that counts is love
By spiritaflame 11:18 AM Thought of the DayA journalist hounded the French writer, Albert Camus, asking him to explain his work in detail. The author of The Plague refused: “I write, and others can make of it what they will.”...
Reflection on Scripture Second Sunday of the Year Gospel A Testimony
By spiritaflame 10:28 AM Thought of the DaySecond Sunday Gospel A John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. He is the one of whom...
The Apostle Paul said that spiritual growth is an ongoing process. "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of...
Thought of the Day January 13, 2020 The spiritual mature person
By spiritaflame 11:45 AM Thought of the DayThis is a new year of grace from the Lord. We are all called to spiritual maturity--to becoming perfect--as Scripture and the Catechism teach: "All Christians in any state or walk of life...
Thought of the Day January 10, 2020 The spoiled spiritual child
By spiritaflame 11:44 AM Thought of the Day(Continuing our refection on the spiritual child and the spiritual adult) The spiritual child is stuck in its development by choice. Its focus is self rather than other. It is like the spoiled,...
Homily: Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Year A Reading 1: This passage from Isaiah, along with two others, is identified as the Suffering Servant of Yahweh song. First of all, it...
Thought of the Day January 9, 2020 The undeveloped spiritual child
By spiritaflame 11:36 AM Thought of the DayThe spiritual child judges according to the world's standards, while the spiritual adult sees things through the eyes of God. In the words of St. Paul: The still immature child in us "chooses...
A blessed New Year! I was out of the country the last ten days officiating a wedding in Argentina. It was a great trip but it is good to be home. Paul said...