
Thought of the Day December 29, 2023 Small steps

By 10:49 AM

 Many people begin the New Year with resolutions, many of which are never followed through for long. I prefer to suggest six month short-term goals. Personally, what do you want to achieve in...

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Thought of the Day December 28, 2023 Count your blessings

By 10:37 AM

 As we come to the close of 2023, it is good to look back and identify the many blessings we have received. How often it is easier for us to remember the bad...

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Thought of the Day December 27, 2023 Spiritual inventory

By 10:27 AM

As we wind down this year of the Lord, it is good for us to look back over this year and ask some questions. Am I a better person now than I was...

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Thought of the Day December 26 2023 Love comes to those who love

By 10:34 AM

 A Child is born; a Son is given us. Not any child, but the Son of God become Man. The gift of the Father's love to us. How can we respond to such...

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Thought of the Day December 22, 2023 What an exchange!

By 10:15 AM

 Last minute shopping and preparation? Don't forget the number one person on your list: Jesus! What can you give Jesus, who is the beginning and end of all? Yourself! The one thing he...

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Thought of the Day December 20, 2023 What if?

By 2:36 PM

 Ever thought about what life would be like if the Word did not become Man? We would still be alienated from God, living in the darkness of our sins. We would not know...

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Thought of the Day December 19, 2023 A new grace moment

By 10:34 AM

 Like Mary and Joseph we are on a journey. They were heading towards Bethlehem, where Emmanuel would be born and a new grace moment began. We are heading to the celebration of his...

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Thought of the Day December 18, 2023 Wait a minute!

By 10:10 AM

 It is countdown. We are all probably very busy with the last minute preparations for Christmas. We have made our list and checking it twice to make sure we haven't forgotten someone or...

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Thought of the Day December 14, 2023 Love is be shared

By 2:34 PM

 "Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself, and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others...

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Homily Third Sunday of Advent Year B Prepare for the Lord: live in the truth

By 10:40 AM

 Homily: Third Sunday of Advent Year B   Reading 1: The call of the first Sunday of Advent was: Be watchful!  Be alert! For the Lord is coming in the present moment in...

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Thought of the Day December 13, 2026 Christ within us

By 10:34 AM

 Jesus came, but nobody noticed him. John the Baptist proclaimed that the Messiah was in the midst of the people, but they were oblivious of him. If we are sharing in the Divine...

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Reflection on Scripture Third Sunday of Advent Gospel B He is here

By 11:11 AM

 Third Sunday of Advent: Gospel BA man named John was sent from God. He came for testimony, to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He was not the...

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Thought of the Day December 12, 2023 He comes in silence.

By 11:04 AM

 "God walks into your soul with silent step. God comes to you more than you go to Him. Never will his coming be what you expect, and yet never will it disappoint. The...

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Thought of the Day December 11, 2023 Two births

By 11:16 AM

 "There are two births of Christ, one unto the world in Bethlehem; the other in the soul, when it is spiritually reborn. Men think of the former much more than the later, and...

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Thought of the Day December 8, 2023 Expectant hush or last-minute rush?

By 12:05 PM

 "Let's approach Christmas with an expectant hush, rather than a last-minute rush." AnonymousSometimes we get caught up with the commercial aspect of Christmas that we missed the fruit of the spiritual side.  There...

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Thought of the Day December 7, 2023 Watch for his coming

By 10:07 AM

 “Look up, you whose gaze is fixed on this earth, who are spellbound by the little events and changes on the face of the earth. Look up to these words, you who have...

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Homily Second Sunday of Advent Year B Prepare

By 11:18 AM

 Homily Second Sunday of Advent Year B Reading 1: The prophetic words of Isaiah are spoken to the Jewish exiles in Babylon and to the remnant left in Jerusalem. To the former, Isaiah...

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Thought of the Day December 6, 2023 Hope

By 11:08 AM

 "Optimism and hope are radically different attitudes. Optimism is the expectation that things--the weather, human relationship, the economy, the political situation, and so on--will get better. Hope is trust that God will fulfill...

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Reflection on Scripture Second Sunday of Advent Gospel B Prepare the way of the Lord

By 11:58 AM

 Second Sunday of Advent: Gospel BThe beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God.  · From the beginning Mark summarizes his whole gospel with these titles: Jesus is the  “Christ” (Messiah)...

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Thought of the Day December 5, 2023 Love and service

By 10:54 AM

 " At this Christmas when Christ comes, will he find a warm heart? Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God's own love and concern." "St. Theresa of...

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Thought of the Day December 4, 2023 He is coming.

By 11:26 AM

"The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognize him at any moment of your life. Life is Advent; life is recognizing the...

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Prayers First Sunday of Advent wreath

By 10:17 AM

 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT (Advent Wreath)The First Candle is purple...it is the candle of prophesy: it symbolizes hope and expectation.It reminds us of the 400 years of silence that Israel endured while awaiting...

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Thought of the Day December 1, 2023 Never give up hope

By 10:19 AM

 "I plead with you never, ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged. Be not afraid. Pope St. John Paul IIWith all that is going on in our...

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Thought of the Day Love gives worth

By 12:47 PM

 "Our job is to love others, without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy." Thomas MertonGod doesn't question our worthiness before he loves us. If he did, we would not be...

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Homily First Sunday of Advent Year B Stay alert

By 12:50 PM

 Homily First Sunday of Advent Year B   Reading 1: The reading begins with acknowledging God as Our Father and Redeemer.  It ends with once more with recognizing God as Father and Creator....

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Thought of the Day November 29, 2023 His promise is certain

By 10:08 AM

 "God never promised us an easy journey in life, only safe arrival," AnonymousThe safe arrival is contingent on how we lived our lives in relationship to him and others. In times of trials...

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Reflection on Scripture First Sunday of Advent Gospel B Be alert

By 11:27 AM

 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT: GOSPEL YEAR BJesus said to his disciples “Be watchful! Be alert! · During Jesus’ time a Roman soldier could face execution if he fell asleep during guard duty and allowed...

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Thought of the Day November 28, 2023 Struggling sinner

By 11:20 AM

 K. Chesterton once said, “A saint only means a man who really knows that he is a sinner."Not only does he knows and admits that he is a sinner, but desires even more...

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Apologetic Tract The Bible: Many interpretations

By 12:58 PM

 The Bible: Many interpretationsAs Catholics we believe that the Bible is the Revealed Word of God. We believe that God chose human authors to convey his revealed word, first by word of mouth...

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Thought of the Day November 27, 2023 Choose

By 11:04 AM

 "A fish that is alive swims against the flow of water. One that is dead floats down with the water. A true Christian goes against the current of sinful age. A false one...

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Thought of the Day November 24, 2023 Discipline of gratitude

By 10:38 AM

"The discipline of gratitude is the explicit effort to acknowledge that all I am and have is given to me as a gift of love, a gift to be celebrated with joy.  Gratitude...

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Prayer Thanksgiving Day Prayer

By 10:49 AM

 Thanksgiving Day Blessing ServiceLeader: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. All:           Amen.Leader: Let us glorify the Lord who fills us...

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Homily Feast of Christ the King Lord and Judge

By 10:38 AM

 Homily: Feast of Christ the King   Reading 1: The focus of the first reading is God is a Shepherd and a Judge. The prophet Ezekiel realizes that the people of his day,...

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Thought of the Day November 22, 2023 Gratitude and love

By 10:31 AM

 “To be grateful is to recognize the Love of God in everything He has given us - and He has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love,...

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Reflection on Scripture Feast of Christ the King Last Judgment

By 10:43 AM

 Feast of Christ the King: Gospel AJesus said: “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the...

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Thought of the Day November 21, 2023 Gratitude and happiness

By 10:34 AM

"To be grateful is to recognize the Love of God in everything He has given us -- and He has given us everything.  Every breath we draw is a gift of His love,...

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