After six hours of hanging from the cross, at three o'clock, the time of the sacrificing of the pascal lamb, Jesus, the Lamb of God, cried out "Father, into your hands, I commend...
While on the cross for six hours, the pain of being crucified is felt in every fiber of Jesus lacerated body. But he doesn't think of himself. He thinks of others. He forgives...
When Jesus finally arrives at the place of execution, the soldiers roughly ripped his stained, tattered, outer garment, renewing the flow of blood from his scourged body. They quickly nailed his hands and...
The decision has been finalized, Jesus, though innocent, was condemned to death by crucifixion. Mob rule won over truth and rationality. Weakened from lack of food or drink from the night before, from...
If it was not enough to scourge Jesus beyond the norm, the soldiers tortured him more. The accusation against him was he claimed to be a king. So they weaved a crown made...
The passion of Jesus intensified when he was scourged by the Roman Soldiers. They took delight in tearing into the body of their prisoners. More so for Jesus. He was accused as a...
The passion of Christ continued through the night of his arrest. After condemning him, he was thrown into a cell hole for the rest of the night. No food, no water, no place...
The suffering that Jesus, the God/Man, endured in his pre-decided trial was both to his divinity and to his humanity. The decision that he should die was made before the trial. The trial...
Jesus had warned Peter of the temptation to deny him. This Peter rejected. Now, during the trial before the High Priest, Peter failed in his commitment to the Master. He denied his three...
Jesus' passion continues as he sees his disciples desert him at the moment of his arrest. Even though he knew they would under the fear of persecution and imprisonment, it still pained Jesus...
That Judas rejected the grace to change his mind caused Jesus pain. But when he identifies Jesus with a kiss this only magnified the betrayal. Jesus could have easily stopped Judas from this...
As Jesus goes with the Apostles after the Last Supper to the Garden of Olives to pray, his awareness of the upcoming passion intensifies. He felt the need to pray to the Father...
Homily Fifth Sunday of Lent Year B Reading 1: The theme of Covenant continues In the first reading of each Sunday in Lent. First Sunday, we heard the covenant God made with...
Having confronted Judas at the Last Supper, Jesus confronted Peter for his upcoming denial. Peter was closer to Jesus, one of his inner circle. As Jesus gave Judas a chance to change his...
Reflection on the Scriptures Fifth Sunday of Lent Gospel B Glorification of the Father
By spiritaflame 1:18 PMFifth Sunday of Lent: Gospel BNow there were some Greeks among those who had come up to worship at the feast. They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and asked...
Jesus began his passion during the Last Supper. First, he washed the feet of the disciples as a servant. Then, he confronted Judas with the truth of his betrayal, giving him a chance...
We are told that God so loved us that he sent his Son to redeem us through his passion and death by crucifixion. His passion begins with his Last meal with his disciples....
One of the ways we show our love for God is to avoid sin as much as possible. This can only be done with his grace, of course. But it takes an intentional...
Lent is a time to heed the call of God to love him with our whole being. This seems impossible at first glance. It is if we depend on our own strength of...
The final lesson we learn from Jesus' Passion and death is his perseverance from the agony of the Garden to his death on the cross. At any time, he could have said, "I've...
As we continue to reflect on the death of Jesus, we recognize and respond to his great love. As he said: "Greater love has no one than to lay down his life for...
We continue to reflect on the mystery of the Passion of Jesus. What can we learn and strive to imitate? In his humanity, the cross was a experience of obedience to the will...