"Be with him and listen. Listen to the One who invites you. Be quiet. Like a child dwells in the house with her mother and father. Just dwell. Play around. Be there. A half hour a day. Is it possible? Is it possible for half an hour? Just be there. Sit there and do nothing. Waste time with Jesus. That is what love does." Henri Nouwen
As you prepare for Lent, will conscious, quality time with the Lord be part of your regime? You may say that you are too busy, you have too much on your plate. Then, maybe you need to eliminate some things to give God his due in your life. You and I were so important to God, that he became Man and offer his life for our life, so that we might have real life. After all that, is it asking too much for us to show gratitude by spending this time with the Lord? "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's" How applicable is this saying of Jesus!