
Thought of the Day February 9, 2016

By 10:54 AM

"What can we say about God's love? We can say that God's love is unconditional. God does not say, 'I love you, if ...' There are no ifs in God's heart. God's love for us does not depend on what we do or say, on our looks or intelligence, on our success or popularity. God's love for us existed before we were born and will exist after we have died. God's love is from eternity to eternity and is not bound to any time-related events or circumstances. Does that mean that God does not care what we do or say? No, because God's love wouldn't be real if God didn't care. To love without condition does not mean to love without concern. God desires to enter into relationship with us and wants us to love God in return. Let's dare to enter into an intimate relationship with God without fear, trusting that we will receive love and always more love." (Henri Nouwen) Isn't this one of the themes of Lent? To return to God's love, to expand our hearts to receive more of God's love, to return love with love? Lent is not so much of giving-up of things as putting on the mind of Christ. He is love. Will we do what we do out of love so as to become love? Easter is a love feast.  Only those who have journeyed in love during Lent will be ready to celebrate this feast.

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