Thought of the Day April 12, 2016

By 8:50 AM

Lord, many of the people in your day continually demanded signs from you to prove who you were. The many signs and wonders you performed to reflect the Father's love and plan never were enough. After feeding the multitude with the multiplication of a few loaves and fish, they were still not satisfied. You used that sign to foreshadow the greater sign: the changing of bread and wine into your very Body and Blood. This very sign today is taken for granted by many. Many receive you as if it was merely bread and wine. They lack the deeper faith awareness and seem unmoved by the miracle and love offered. Lord, deepen in me the wonder and awe of your Eucharistic presence. May the  union you draw me into impact my daily words and actions. This oneness with you through a sharing of your life stays with me. Help me to be conscious of this with gratitude

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