Thought of the Day May 18, 2016
"Emptiness and fullness at first seem complete opposites. But in the spiritual life they are not. In the spiritual life we find the fulfillment of our deepest desires by becoming empty for God. We must empty the cups of our lives completely to be able to receive the fullness of life from God. Jesus lived this on the cross. The moment of complete emptiness and complete fullness become the same. When he had given all away to his Abba, his dear Father, he cried out, 'It is fulfilled' (John 19:30). He who was lifted up on the cross was also lifted into the resurrection. He who had emptied and humbled himself was raised up and 'given the name above all other names' (see Philippians 2:7-9). Let us keep listening to Jesus' question: 'Can you drink the cup that I am going to drink?'" (Matthew 20:22). (Henri Nouwen) This is a paradox of the Gospel: to live one must die; to become fuller one must become emptier. What must we empty ourselves of? All that is not of God, so that we can become full of that which is God. When we think we have nothing, God will show us we have all that is needed, himself. This is the true journey of the spiritual life: from the dark night of the soul (when I feel totally abandoned) to the bright light of grace (when I will be all and all in God). It is not my doing, but God's.