
Thought of the Day July 18, 2016

By 1:16 PM

"Commitment is doing what you said you would do, after the feeling you said it in has passed."
(Saint Camillus De Lellis) Feelings come and go. To base a commitment on a momentary feeling may not ensure the follow up. But if a commitment flows from a decision and not a feeling, then it has a better chance of being acted on. How many commitments have we made and have not done anything with? How many commitments have we made and really acted on them? What made the difference? We have the parable in the New Testament, where Jesus said a father asked one son to do something and in the feelings of the moment, he said "Yes", but didn't do it. The other son said "No" but regretted that answer and did what was asked. It is easy to say "yes" in the moment. It takes a firm commitment to actually do it.

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