Thought of the Day September 28, 2016
Lord, in different ways and through different teachings you show us that a true disciple ultimately makes you the Lord of his/her life. The first step is repentance/conversion. I recognize that sin hampers me from becoming fully myself. Though the allurement is there, the attachment becomes less as I attach myself to you. The second step is to hear your call and follow you as Lord without looking back and yearning for the past fleshpots of my Egypt. The third step is to hear, believe and act on your word without fully understanding. The fourth step is to obediently do your will in all things, desiring what you desire, because it is your will, my Lord. In this I will be growing in holiness and love. The fifth step is to keep my eyes ever on you the "Author and completion of faith", so that one day I may be with you eternally.