
Thought of the Day September 30, 2016

By 3:04 PM

"When we pray we speak to God; but when we read, God speaks to us...Make knowledge of the Scripture your love ... Live with them, meditate on them, make them the sole object of your knowledge and inquiries...Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ." (St. Jerome) How important is it to read the Word of God on a regular basis! Likewise, how important is it to take in the Word of God that is proclaimed to us in Mass! As St. James tells us: It is not enough to hear the Word. We must act on it, if it is to bear the fruit that God desires in us. Before you read or hear the Word of God, always ask the Holy Spirit to give you the understanding of the Word He desires for you. St. Paul tells us: "All Scripture is inspired of God and is useful for teaching--for reproof, correction and training in holiness, so that the man of God may be fully competent and equipped for every good work." Bathe in its waters, soak in its light, feed on its food.

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