Thought of the Day October 12, 2016

By 10:18 AM

Jesus taught us by his life that the path of fulfilling the will of the Father is that of humility and humiliation. He humbled himself by embracing our humanity in all things but sin. He embraced the humiliation of death by crucifixion. Though he was True God and True Man, he was falsely accused, cruelly treated, abusively mocked and deliberately degraded. The intention was to strip him of all dignity. In his humility, which is rooted in love, he endured the worse onslaught of humiliation so that we may be saved from the bondage of sin and eternal separation from God. He calls us to learn from him the fruit of true humility, when we experience humiliation at the hands of others. Humiliation is destructive if not grounded in humility. Humility comes from the realization that I am who I am in the eyes of God, nothing more, nothing less. Humiliation doesn't detract from this truth of who I am and to whom I belong.

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