
Thought of the Day November 15, 2016

By 10:33 AM

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, then I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me." (Rev 3:20) Each time Jesus knocks at the door of our heart it is a special grace moment. It is a call to initial or renewed conversion of our heart. The knock is more than a rap at the door of our heart. Jesus calls us by name with tendency and love, inviting us to the more. The desired response is that we open wider the door of our heart and joyfully welcome him in, even if our heart is not perfectly clean. He desires to share with us a banquet of love. How often we are afraid to receive Jesus in a new way because our heart has been ravished by sin and there is dark coldness within. But when Jesus comes, being the light, he will dispel this darkness, if we expose it to him rather than  hide in it by keeping our heart's door shut tight. He knocks, calls and waits for a response. If it is silence, he will depart. If it is an open door, he will enter.

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