Thought of the Day November 25, 2016

By 11:19 AM

Lord, I do not know the amount of time I have left in this life. I do know that my life on earth will end. What matters is how I live my life now till then. I can't change my past, but I can live in the present, as if it was my last. I can live in the present moment as I desire to live eternally, namely with you. You have given us the way to do this in our daily family prayer: the Our Father. "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." By consciously choosing your will in the present moment until that last moment will prepare me to eternally be in your will. If Heaven is to be eternally in  your presence fully alive, then what better way is there now on earth to be in your presence, than doing your will. And what is your will? As the saints found out, it is love. St. Paul tells us: "Whatever you do in word or deed, do in in love in the name of the Lord, Jesus, giving thanks through  him to the Father. St. Theresa of Lisieux captured this when she said: "My vocation is love."

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