Thought of the Day January 18, 2017

By 11:01 AM

"Pray for the grace to desire to follow God's will, then pray for the grace to know God's will and, once you know it, pray for the grace to go forth with God's will." (Pope Francis) This was the way of life that Jesus modeled for us. He came to do the Father's will in obedience and out of filial love, even to the death on the cross. In his humanity, the will of the Father was constantly being discerned by Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. He did this primarily in dedicated times of prayer. It was not easy for Jesus. He underwent many temptations and trials in the process. However, his focus was the Father. "I have come to do the will of him who sent me." It is not easy for us either to know God's will or to act on his will. But what may seem impossible for and God. Like Jesus, we must come to that prayer of surrender, "not my will, but yours be done."

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