"The Christian has learned to read all things with eyes informed by Easter, with the eyes of the risen Lord." (Pope Francis) What does he mean? Before Easter there was the darkness of sin and guilt. Humanity was in a state of bondage without hope. Life was a drudgery and death was an existence in nothingness. The death and resurrection of Jesus has drastically and forever changed that world view. The new vision, which Jesus has given those who believe and accept his gift of salvation, is one of freedom and peace. Because of Jesus, life is worth living since communion with God, the inner longing of our heart, is possible now and eternally. For death is not the feared, final end of existence, but a transitional moment in our journey from life on earth to life in heaven. Through the eyes of the risen Jesus, we see one another, not with distorted vision, biased by our hurts and pains, by our fears, but as brothers and sisters in the Lord. Easter makes us radically different because we become a new creation, now alive in Christ. As we enter into the upcoming Lenten journey, we need to set our eyes on the prize of Easter, becoming a new creation in the risen Christ.