Homily Solemnity of the Holy Trinity

By 10:33 AM

Homily for the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity

In our Second Reading in today’s Mass we heard: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.” This was Paul’s way of expressing the early Church’s belief in the revelation of the Trinity. God is One and Triune: one in being, Triune in persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.


There is perfect relationship among the three persons—that relationship is love. Their very life is this perfect love for each other which bonds them into the oneness of the Godhead, while remaining three distinct persons. Instead of dividing the attributes or functions of God, as Paul did for better human understanding, he could just as easily have said: the grace, love and fellowship of God be with you.  But Paul wanted to emphasize what distinguished Christians from Jews and Mohamadans. Though all three profess the oneness of God, only we, as Christians, profess the Three Persons in the One God.


What do we understand by this prayer-wish? May all the blessings and favors given to us by God, as a sign of his intimate and personal love for us, bring us into union with Good and one another.  All God has done for us is done because of his love with the purpose of drawing us more intensely into his own divine life, where in union with others, we will fine our ultimate fulfillment.


Once we grasp and accept this message of revelation, then our life will be different. We will “mend our ways”, as Paul says, by putting off sin and putting on the mind of Jesus Christ. We will “encourage and agree with one another” by reaching out to one another. This in turn will draw us into the bond of unity with God. There will be real peace and harmony between us. Then, as Paul says, the God of love and peace will be with us.


In our First Reading, we are told that God wanted us to know that the union, which the three Persons share with one another in love, is his desire for us. God created us in unity with him and with one another. But man and woman freely chose to alienate themselves from God through sin (which is what we too do). God begins the homebound journey with us. In this reading God gives Moses a personal revelatory experience of his presence. The Lord stood with Moses and revealed his name, “Lord” and his attributes of mercy and graciousness, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity. Moses, in turn, reflected the deep longing within him and within each of us. He recognized the need to have a relationship with God.  “Be with us on this journey.” In faith, we believe he is. God reveals himself to us and yet God remains a mystery.


In the Gospel, we are reminded that all God does is done in love. To become Man and to come among us to save us through his death and resurrection, to reconcile us back to himself—all was done in love. If we believe and respond to his love, we will be saved and have eternal life. We will share in the very life of love and unity forever. We will not be God but we will experience the very life of God in union with him and one another.


To believe in the mystery of the Trinity and yet not fully understand it is part of our relationship with God.

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