Thought of the Day March 26, 2018 Life in Christ

By 9:36 AM

“He died, but he vanquished death; in himself he put an end to what we feared; he took it upon himself and he vanquished it, as a mighty hunter he captured and slew the lion.” (St. Augustine) Jesus physically died, so that we may in death live eternally. To die in sin, in separation from God, is the second death. But the fear of physical death will have no power over us, as long as we remember that Jesus took away the power of death when he died. What we should fear is that second death. But as long as we are united to Christ in his death, we have the assurance of faith that we will pass over the fact of death with him into the hope of eternal life and glory. Thank you, Jesus, for your gift of life and your freedom from the fear of death.

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