
Thought of the Day Advent Week 3 Day 3 Jesus comes to those gathered in his name

By 10:20 AM

Advent Week 3
Day 3
Matthew 18:20 “For wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there am I, in their midst.”

Jesus is present in each of us through our sharing in his divine life. What a gift! Alone we may forget this mysterious reality. So Jesus reminds us that, when we come together as a family or in community, he is not only in us but with us. Again, a gift! If we were conscious of his presence how would we treat one another? Will it be with respect and love? Will we treat the other as if that person was Christ? During this Advent week ask God for the grace of awareness and attentiveness to his presence within us and within others.

Come, Lord Jesus, come!

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