Thought of the Day June 11, 2019 Empowered for mission

By 12:38 PM

The role and mission of the Spirit is also to empower us for mission: to witness in the power of the Holy Spirit the good News of God's love with signs and wonders as our credentials.

In baptism we become disciples seeking to be formed by Holy Spirit. In confirmation we become disciple witnesses seeking to build up the Body of Christ through the service of love through the Holy Spirit.

When the first Christians experienced baptism and confirmation on the day of Pentecost, Acts 2:42 tells us they gathered together for apostolic teaching (the Word), for prayer both personal and communal, for community and the breaking of the bread (Eucharist). Today, when a person experiences being baptized in the Holy Spirit, there is a greater desire to read and reflect on the Word; there is a greater desire to share with others of similar experiences; there is a greater desire both to pray and to grow in understanding of prayer: there is a greater desire to participate fully in the Eucharist and to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation more regularly. In other words, a greater desire to grow in holiness.

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