Thought of the Day June 4, 2019 Baptism in the Spirit is a grace
We need a new boldness to share with others. Let us reflect on
the witnesses of the past. First, what was the experience of the early Church
when the Spirit came on Pentecost. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit. They
manifested the new gifts of the Spirit. They praised God. They witnessed and
proclaimed the person and revelation of Jesus as Lord and Savior. They invited
others to share in the same experience and encounter so that they too may be
filled with the Holy Spirit. They came together for apostolic instruction, community,
prayers, and the breaking of bread. They were of one mind and one heart. Signs
and wonders were evident when they evangelized or evangelized after signs and
wonders occurred. A people was renewed in their relationship with God. A new
fire was ignited. God's people were reviewed by the coming of the Holy Spirit.
We need to pray the prayer that Pope St John XXIII asked the
whole Church in preparation for II Vatican Council. We need a new boldness and
freedom, a new energy and response to the grace of God.
"Renew Your wonders in our time, as though for a new Pentecost,
and grant that the holy Church, preserving unanimous and continuous prayer,
together with Mary, the mother of Jesus, and also under the guidance of St.
Peter, may increase the reign of the Divine Savior, the reign of truth and
justice, the reign of love and peace. Amen."
Return to your first love. Recall what God has done for us and
what he expects of us.
Baptism in the Spirit is a grace that must be received, responded and renewed. It
is not a grace that is meant to be temporary but permanent. It is not meant to
be dormant or passive but alive and active directing our way of life under the
protective love of our Abba, Father, yielding to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and follow the lead
of the Holy Spirit. The grace of Baptism in the Spirit is a grace for mission. That mission is to underline every aspect of
our life in the present moment. That mission is to be attentive to the move of
the HS and to act on it by exercising the appropriate charism of the Holy Spirit for the