Thought of the Day August 26, 2019 Mourning for the sins of others
Weeping for our sins can
have a positive aspect as when our tears of sorrow turn into tears of inner
joy. Someone has said that “the most beautiful tears are those that
fill our eyes when, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, “we taste and see how good
the Lord is” (Psalm 34:9). Tears of this kind must have fallen from Augustine’s
eyes when in the “Confessions” he wrote: “How you loved us, good Father, to
have not spared your only Son but to have given him up for all of us. How much
you loved us!”
Pascal shed
such tears on the night that he had the revelation of the God of Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob, who disclosed himself through the Gospel. Pascal wrote on a
piece of paper (found sown into his jacket after his death): “Joy, joy, tears
of joy!” Maybe the tears with which the woman who was a sinner bathed the feet
of Jesus were not only tears of repentance but also tears of gratitude and joy.
There is another aspect to Jesus’
teaching on this Beatitude. Primarily, we are called to mourn for our sins, but
also for the sins of others. In the refrain from of the Divine Mercy Chaplet,
we pray: “For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have
mercy on us and on the whole world.” This is the other side of the same coin.