Thought of the Day January 17, 2020 Seek the Lord

By 10:27 AM

A certain captain of soldiers, who took a great delight in hunting,
once came in search of wild animals to the desolate mountain where
Macedonius dwelt. He was prepared for hunting, having brought with him
men and dogs. As he went over the mountain he saw, far off a man. Being
surprised that anyone should be in a place so desolate, he asked who it might be. One told him that it was the hermit Macedonius. The captain, who was a
pious man, leaped from his horse and ran to meet the hermit. When he came
to him he asked, "What are you doing in such a barren place as this is?" The
hermit in his turn asked, "And you? What have you come here to do?" The
captain answered him, "I have come to hunt." Then said Macedonius, "I also
am a huntsman. I am hunting for my God. I yearn to capture Him. My desire
is to enjoy Him. I shall not cease from this my hunting."

This new year we are invited and graced by God to seek him in a new way, in a more intense way. God is always seeking us because he loves us. But are we seeking him in love? This is our most important task  in life, to seek God in love. 

We will find him in creation, in others, but more especially within ourselves. We will find him in silence and solitude in the present moment. "Be still and know that I am God!"  "When you call me, and come and pray to me, I will listen to you. When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:12-13)

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