Thought of the Day April 9, 2020 My God, My God
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:46; Mark
Jesus has been on the cross for some time now. Though Jesus is
sinless, the weight of sin and it’s emptiness overwhelms him. He experiences
the depth of separation which sin causes between a person and God. Even though
in fact and in faith, the Son of God could never be separated from the Father,
becoming sin for us has its toll on Jesus.
In his need, he turns to the psalms which he
has learned and prayed regularly. Choosing Psalm 21 he utters
this cry of anguish, not in despair but in trust of the Father. For in faith he
knows that death will not be the ultimate victor, but life will reign through
While the bystanders may have interpreted Jesus’ cry as a cry
against God, the Father heard the recommitment of the son to embrace the Father’s
will even in his anguish and horrific suffering. While his tormentors and executioners heard
the first line of the prayer, they did not hear the rest of the psalm which
ends in hope and trust.
Jesus cries out on our behalf. Will we cry out with him, not
only the beginning but the whole psalm?