Thought of the Day May 21, 2020 Knowledge

By 9:40 AM

There is human knowledge which each of us is able to attain through experience, education and the use of reason. It is natural knowledge. Use properly this knowledge can lead us to some awareness of God.

The gift of knowledge is spiritual and given to us by God.
Here is what Pope Francis has taught about this gift of the Spirit. “Through this spiritual gift, we are enabled to see every person, and the world around us, in the light of God’s loving plan.” God did not want us to depend only upon our limited nature, but gave us the spiritual Gift of knowledge so that through the goodness, the beauty and the variety of nature we can come to know him more clearly.

Then there is the Gift of Word of knowledge. This was the gift Jesus exercised when he told the Samaritan woman at the well that she has had five husbands and the man she was living with was not her husband.  He said this not to condemn her but to open her up to receive greater revelation. The Spirit placed on Jesus’ mind this fact about the women. She responded with openness to the truth. God works in mysterious ways.

What is the fruit of the gift of knowledge? Love. The more we know about God, the more we fall in love with him. His goodness, beauty and love stirs a response of love. His love has been compared to a fisherman’s hook. Once we are caught, though we may struggle at first, we yield to him.

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