Thought of the Day December 31, 2020 Be the best you possible
“At Christmas, the question is this: “Do I allow myself to be
loved by God? Do I abandon myself to his love that comes to save me?” So great
a gift deserves immense gratitude. To accept this grace means being ready
to give thanks in return. Often we live our lives with such little
gratitude. Today is the right day to draw near to the tabernacle, the crèche,
the manger, and to say thank you. Let us receive the gift that is Jesus, in
order then to become gift like Jesus. To become gift is to
give meaning to life. And it is the best way to change the world: we change,
the Church changes, history changes, once we stop trying to change others but
try to change ourselves and to make of our life a gift.” (Pope Francis)
The best way to thank God for his many graces that we have received throughout our life is to become the best person we can become. This requires change on our part. For he came to free us from the bondage of sin and death. He redeemed, adopted and sanctified us in the waters of Baptism. Since then he has continually poured his love upon us in the Eucharist, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, in Confirmation and every day in many ways. How do we respond? We choose in gratitude and love to change those things in our life which do not reflect the best person we can be.