Thought of the Day January 5, 2021 Want to get closer to God
""During this new year I resolve to begin a new life. I do not know what will happen to me during this year. But I abandon myself entirely to you, my God. And my aspirations and all my affections will be for you. I feel so weak, dear Jesus, but with your help I hope and resolve to live a different life, that is, a life closer to you." (St Gemma Galgani)
Wanting to live a life closer to God is not an unattainable goal. This is exactly the desire of God for us. What keeps us from taking the necessary steps is the fear of failure or the lie of our past unworthiness. What we forget is that this desire to live a life closer to God is supported by the grace of God. As Jesus told us: "With me you can do all things; without me you can do nothing." So the first step is our surrender to God, so that we can take the second and succeeding steps. And if we fall short, get up and start anew at that point.