Thought of the Day February 26, 2021 Stand behind Jesus

By 10:12 AM

"Man is never wholly free from temptation...but with patience and true humility we become stronger than any enemy. The patience and humility required to defeat the enemy come by following Christ every day and from learning to build our life not outside of him or as if he did not exist, but in him and with him, because he is the source of true life. In contrast to this is the temptation to remove God, to order our lives and world on our own, relying solely on our own abilities. This is why in Jesus God speaks to man in an unexpected way, with a unique and concrete closeness, full of love, because God has now become incarnate and enters the world of man to take sin upon himself, to overcome evil and bring man back into the world of God" (Pope Benedict XVI).

Temptation and sin are part of the human experience, with two exceptions, Jesus, because he is God and Man, and Mary, because of God's prevenient grace in lieu of being the Mother of Jesus. Without the grace of God and our cooperation, it would be hard for us not to fall into sin because of concupiscence. Only in Jesus, who in his humanity has shown us how to confront the many arrows Satan throws at us, can we be victorious. We must never fight Satan on our own. We should always let Jesus fight him, as we stand behind Jesus.

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