Thought of the Day April 12, 2021 God, rich in mercy.

By 9:56 AM

This week, following Divine Mercy Sunday, I will be reflecting on the mercy of God that we have all experienced.

The ultimate sign of God’s “hesed”, his mercy, is proclaimed by the death and resurrection of Jesus.  The first words that flowed from him as he hung on the cross were words of overflowing mercy. “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing”. He extended this mercy to the repentant thief.  God’s forgiveness of our sins, even before we ask or even if we do not ask, is a reflection of the depth of God’s mercy for us. We deserve the judgment of condemnation because of our sins. We deserve eternal alienation from God. This is what is due to us. Instead, God pours out his unconditional, merciful forgiveness, because he is love. We are not deserving of mercy. It is a free gift of grace from the heart of God to those he has created in his own image and likeness and reconciled by his death and resurrection. With St. Paul, we profess that God is rich in mercy on our behalf.

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