
Thought of the Day June 23, 2021 The truth sets me free to be me

By 9:59 AM

That the virtue of humility consists in the knowledge of certain truths, I had already recognized. These truths are: that I am nothing, that I can do nothing but sin, that I depend on God for everything--for existence, conservation, movement, and grace. What is more, I am most happy in my dependence on God, and I prefer to depend entirely on God rather than on myself. (St. Anthony Mary Claret)


His awareness of his nothingness was not an attempt to discredit himself as a son of God, who has been abundantly blessed. Rather, it was recognizing the eternal truth that without God he would not exist; he would not be sustained; he would not be redeemed; he would not be sanctified; he would not have the hope of eternal life. The more he recognized his total dependence upon God for everything, the less time he had to get distracted by what others or the world wanted him to focus on. The same is true for us. If we live in the truth, we will not be distracted by the lies of the world and of the evil one, which try to flatter us or degrade us for their purpose.


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