Thought of the Day July 6, 2021 The compassion of God
"There is no wilderness so terrible, so beautiful, so arid, and so
fruitful as the wilderness of compassion.
It is the only desert that shall truly flourish like the lily."--Thomas
compassionate has God been to us! When we sinned and alienated ourselves from
him, his everlasting compassion pours upon the desert of our sin the grace of
mercy and forgiveness. Without these unmerited gifts we would remain in the
aridness of our sins and eventually die. There are many verses in the Scriptures
that speak of God’s compassion. Ps 86:15 states, “But you, Lord, are a
compassionate and gracious God, slow to
anger, abounding in mercy and truth.” Isaiah 30:18 proclaims, “Truly, the LORD is waiting
to be gracious to you, truly, he shall
rise to show you mercy; For the LORD is a God of justice: happy are all who wait for him!” As we
reflect on the Lord’s compassion, we are called to be compassionate in turn.