Thought of the Day July 8, 2021 Kindness and compassion

By 11:10 AM

What is the difference between kindness and compassion. Both are honorable virtues. By kindness a person may provide for the needs of another at the moment. That is good. By compassion a person will feel for and with the person in need and do more than provide a handout. Kindness may be a passing  encounter, while compassion goes beyond the external need. It is a personal encounter. The compassionate person takes the time to talk with the person and understand the difficulties and feelings the person is experiencing. The one with compassion is like the Good Samaritan who, not only took care of the injured person's immediate needs, but provided for his after care as well. Both kindness and compassion are good. But compassion is a greater good, because it reflects how God reaches out to us who are in the gravest of needs, namely eternal salvation. Be always kind but above all be compassionate.

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