Homily Thirtieth Sunday Year B Spiritual insight heals spiritual blindness

By 10:49 AM


Homily Thirtieth Sunday Year B

Reading 1: The prophet Jeremiah’s earlier words from the Lord to the Chosen People was repent and return to the Lord. If they did not repent, then they would be overcome by their enemies and sent into exile for seventy years. The people did not heed the word of the Lord and suffered the consequences of their rejection of the Covenant. In exile, they recognize that their chastisement was the result of their sins and the sins of their leaders against God.

 In our first reading, Jeremiah now gives the people in exile a word of hope. He tells them what was to come, how they are to respond and why was it to happen. What was to come? God would deliver them from exile and return them to the Promised Land, no matter how scattered, broken or scattered they were. As God led their ancestors from bondage in Egypt to the Promise Land, he will do the same for them. Why was it to happen? God is a father to his people. He has covenanted himself to them and them to him. The God who showed his power in chastisement is the God who will show his power in restoration. What seems impossible to them is possible to God. What should their response be? Shout with joy, exalt, proclaim and acknowledge what God has and was doing.


How can we apply this to us today? Jesus delivered us from the bondage of sin once for all ant that grace is present to us, when we fall again and again. We are called to repent and return to the Lord. Why would he so love us? We are his, we belong to him by virtue of creation, redemption and adoption. What shall our response be? We are called, not only to praise and give thanks, but make a firm decision to remain faithful to our heavenly Father.


These are the facts but what is the reality in our life? What has been our past history? What is our reality today?


Gospel: The background of our Gospel today is the spiritual blindness of the Apostles. Jesus revealed to them that he was the expected Messiah who would suffer a cruel death but rise again. Their response was summed up by Peter. This was not their understanding of the Messiah. They were thinking of their power and authority which they would exercise in the kingdom Jesus would restore. Last Sunday, Jesus shared that the Messiah has come to lay down his life, to serve not to be served.


In today’s reading, a man recognized his physical blindness, but he had spiritual insight. He believed that Jesus could heal him and would heal him. He professed Jesus as the Son of David, the Messiah. He remained resolute in spite of the negative reactions of the crowd. He trusted in the4 word of Jesus, “what do you want me to do for you?”  His faith, acceptance, openness and trust in Jesus opened him to the healing he desired. His spiritual insight led to his physical sight, which led to his physical and spiritual commitment to Jesus. He followed him. He became a disciple. He didn’t receive the gift of physical sight and just walked away. His encounter with Jesus would not allow him to be the same after as before. If it did, he would not be grateful. To be touched by Jesus means that one become more committed to him. To be more committed means we become more aware of other areas of spiritual blindness within for Jesus to heal.


What are our areas of spiritual blindness? Do we really believe that Jesus can free us? Do we call upon him with conviction and hope? Do we do what he asks us to do? Are we so trusting in him that nothing else matters?


Reading 2: The Son was called by the Father to be the Priest/Victim for our sake. He was called to embrace the cross, to give his life as an offering in reparation for our sins, so that we could live with God forever. What was Jesus’ response? Obedience even to death by crucifixion.  Why? He knew the Father’s love and he loved the Father and loved us. It was this bond of love that enable Jesus to embraced the role of victim for our sake. He is our justification and righteousness. Through his loving obedience he sets us an example.

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