Thought of the Day March 15, 2022 Repentance is an act of humility
One thief asked to be taken off the cross. The other humbly asked to be taken up with Jesus. One thief continued to be obstinate, while the other is converted by Jesus’ prayer of forgiveness. A dying repentant man asked a dying innocent Man for eternal life. Was he the first to experience salvation, to enter into glory with Jesus? Without hearing Jesus’ teachings, he was acting on the message of the Lord. Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be open to you. Without knowing it, he was responding to the grace of God that God offers each of us. Recall what we read in Revelations 3:20-21: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, [then] I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me. I will give the victor the right to sit with me on my throne, as I myself first won the victory and sit with my Father on his throne.”
The first fruit of Jesus’ prayer of forgiveness came forth in the words of this criminal crucified with Jesus. Recognizing and admitting his own sinfulness, he expressed a plea of repentance, the surest door to the heart of Jesus. He publicly testified to Jesus’ innocence and professed his faith in Jesus’ identity as Lord, without understanding the full meaning. The grace of God can effect something marvelous in the one who repents. Pray the repentant man's prayer from your heart. "Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom."