Reflection on Scripture Fourth Sunday of Easter Gospel C Following the Shepherd

By 11:01 AM

Fourth Sunday of Easter Gospel C

Jesus said: “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

· Sheep become accustom to the voice of the shepherd and respond to his call. They don’t respond to the voice of a stranger. How in tune are we to the voice of Jesus within us? Can we distinguish his voice from that of others? Do we follow him?

I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.

· Jesus desires to share his life with us. How desirous are we of that life? How protective are we of that life? Do we really believe that even when we die, we will live in him because of this divine life we share?

No one can take them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can take them out of the Father’s hand.

· There is one thing that can separate us from God. That is sin. Sin is not something from the outside but from within. It is our choice to sin or not to sin.

· The evil one can tempt us, but doesn’t snatch us away from the hand of God. We choose to remain with God or choose to separate ourselves through sin.

· Jesus gives us life. It is up to us to remain in that life with him or to squander the gift for something much lesser and lasting only for a short moment.

 The Father and I are one.”

· As long as we follow the voice of the Shepherd, as long as we live in his life, we will be one with the Father and the Son. This is the will of God. What is our will?

· Be attentive this week to the way you listen to the voice of Jesus. Be conscious of the divine life within you and resist the attempts to draw you away from the Lord.


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