
Thought of the Day October 18, 2022 Eucharistic transformation

By 10:49 AM

 "The participation in the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ has no other effect than to transform us into Him whom we receive." (Pope St. Leo the Great"

When we eat, the food we consumed is changed into nourishment for our bodies. When we eat the Body and Blood of Jesus we are the ones who are changed. The process for physical food is automatically. We are not even conscious of it. The process for the Eucharistic food is not automatic. It depends upon our conscious response to the communion we share in Christ. The more we desire to be like Christ, the more we will seek to love as he loves. To say with St. Paul, "I live now, not I but Christ lives in me",  becomes a greater reality when we actually do it. Christ gives himself to us to clothe this mortal body with immortality, this corruptible body into incorruptibility. It is the gift of his life through Eucharistic communion that brings about the on-going transformation from the old Adam into the new Adam. Given this awareness, how can people remain indifferent and blaze about the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ?

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