Thought of the Day November 30, 2022 Jesus' coming in the present moment

By 11:04 AM

 As important was the first coming of Jesus and his second coming in glory, equally important is his coming in the present moment. How we receive him in the present moment may indicate how really we responded to his first coming and will determine our situation at his second coming. For in the present moment he will come to call us to our personal accountability before him who created and redeemed us. That will determined the confirmation of the final judgement, whether we are one one of the sheep on his right or one of the goats on his left. It is his coming in the present moment that we need to be watchful and prepared for we do not know the day or the hour.  He comes to us in the present moment in many ways through many people. These are preparations for that moment when he will come through our death to life beyond the grave. The previous comings were like pop-up quizzes. The coming in death is the final exam. Always be ready.

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