Thought of the Day December 20, 2022 God with us

By 10:17 AM

 God has revealed in the Scriptures that, not only he wants us to be with him, but he wants to be with us. When he created Adam and Eve in his own image and likeness and shared his divine life with them, they walked with God in the Garden. Then they sinned and lost this intimacy with God. Throughout the Old Testament we read how often God says: "Fear not. I am with you." He was with them in power and in signs and wonders. But in Isaiah he reveals the heart of his desire for us. "A virgin will conceive and bear a son. He shall be called Emmanuel, God with us." Jesus is the fulfillment of that revelation.  "The Word took flesh and made his dwelling with us." Yet, the desire of God is greater than being with us and we with him. He desires to be in us and we in him. This is the original intimacy and it will be the eternal intimacy we are called to experience. What a mystery! How much God loves us to want us to be in him and he in us. Come, Lord Jesus, come!

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