Thought of the Day December 8, 2022 Full of grace

By 10:41 AM

"Today we contemplate the humble girl of Nazareth who, by an extraordinary and ineffable privilege, was preserved from the contagion of original sin and from every fault, so that she could be a worthy dwelling-place for the Incarnate Word. In Mary, the New Eve, Mother of the New Adam, the Father’s original, wondrous plan of love was re-established in an even more wondrous way. Therefore the Church gratefully acclaims:  “Through you, immaculate Virgin, the life we had lost was returned to us. You received a child from heaven, and brought forth to the world a Savior”  (Pope St. John Paul II)

When the angel appeared to Mary to announce the plan of God for the conception and birth of the Savior through her, his greeting was simple and to the point. "Hail, full of grace. The Lord is with you."  In this he referred to the original name God gave her, "full of grace" before her parents named her "Mary". By God's design Mary was full of grace from the very first moment of her existence in her mother's womb. This was so that she could be the perfect vessel to later conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit the Savior of the world. The Lord was within Mary by grace and shared life before he was was within her as a child.  This grace enable the Son of God to be conceived as the Son of man. Lord, thank you for this special grace you gave Mary so that we may be able to receive the special grace of your beloved Son from Mary.

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