Thought of the Day January 6, 2023 Blessing or curse

By 10:36 AM

 Some people see things negatively, others positively. Some people approach things happening to them as a curse. Their constant expression is "poor me" or "why is this happening to me" Others interpret things as a blessing. Their reaction is voiced in expressions like "I don't understand, but God has a plan" or "God, give me the grace to endure your discipline."  The negative people stay under the dark cloud, while the positive people walk in the light of God's grace. Both may experience the same thing, but each responds differently to the same grace given to them. A stumbling block for one becomes a stepping stone for another. It is a choice we make. The consequences of our choices are radically different: living in rejection or living in acceptance, living as an abandoned child or living as a beloved child of the Father.

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