Thought of the Day April 11, 2023 Go and proclaim
In today's Gospel reading Mary Magdalene is told not to focus on the empty tomb but on the Risen Christ. So she initially clung to his feet, as if to hold him for herself. But she is told that Jesus has revealed that he is risen not just for her. She has a mission. Go tell the Apostles that she has seen him in his resurrected life. What does this say to us? Like Mary we have a tendency to focus on the empty tomb: the sadness, the darkness, the hurt, the pains of life. And when we experience some moment of new hope, we tend to want to keep it for ourselves. But Jesus tells us to go and share with others the hope we have in him, the love he has given us, the freedom that comes from relationship with him. As much as Jesus shows his love to us, he wants us to bearers of the good news to others. That' the divine plan.