
Thought of the Day April 12, 2023 New life

By 11:28 AM

Because Jesus has risen from the dead, we are able to live a new life, a share in his own divine life. Without his death and resurrection, we would still be alienated from God because of sin. For us to have a share in this new life, Jesus freely chose to give his life as a ransom for our life. In baptism we experienced this new life; in the Sacrament of Reconciliation we are restored to this life; in the Sacrament of Eucharist we are strengthened and renewed in this life. Sharing in God's divine life at the moment of our death will, by God's mercy and love, enable us to share with God eternally. How precious is this life! How conscious are we of remaining in this life? Nothing should worth more to us than remaining in the life of God at all cost. Thank you, Jesus, for your great love!

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