Thought of the Day May 8, 2023 The "kiss" of the Father.

By 10:46 AM

 The Holy Spirit is known as the Spirit of love. The Father's of the Church speak of him as the "kiss" of the Father for the Son. When Jesus is baptized, the Father confirmed the Son's mission as Messiah and again "kissed" him by pouring out the Spirit upon him. At the day of the resurrection, Jesus appeared to the Apostles and breathed on them, "kissed" them and said: "Receive the Holy Spirit." On the day of our baptism, God breathed his Holy Spirit upon us, he "kissed" us with his love, the Spirit of love. On the day of our Confirmation, again the Father "kissed us" by giving us a fresh outpouring of his Spirit of love, so that in the power of the Spirit we may be witnesses of God's love to others. In all this, we have seen the love of the Father. Love needs to be responded to. How are we responding to the "kiss" of the Father in our daily life? Jesus gave us the answer. "As I have loved you, so you must keep my commandments and love one another." Simple and hard. Love comes natural to us. But love requires a dying to self and being for the other.

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