Thought of the Day August 15, 2023 The grace of the Assumption

By 10:32 AM

 On this Solemnity of the Assumption we celebrate the mysterious love of God for Mary. She was given many privileges and special graces. In lieu of her future grace as Mother of the Savior, Mary was conceived in  her mother's womb free from sin. Her Immaculate Conception. As the Mother of the Savior, Mary remained a virgin, before, during and after the birth of Jesus. Another grace. Jesus himself identified one of the graces given to Mary. She was totally obedient to the will of God. Free from the effects of Original Sin, though Mary died, as Jesus died, Mary's body did not suffer the consequences of death. As Jesus rose from the dead, so Mary was assumed into heaven, where she is crowed Queen of Heaven and Earth. This is her final grace from God. Mary's assumption reminds us that if we die in Christ and our bodies undergo corruption in the grave, one day God will raise our bodies to be reunited to our spirit to share the eternal glory of God. The Resurrection and the Assumption underlie the words of Paul: "Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting?" Our God is good and merciful. Nothing is impossible for God!

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