Thought of the Day October 20, 2023 Fear the trap

By 9:57 AM

 "And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna." Mathew 10:28

Many people fear the wrong thing. They fear death. It is not death  that is the issue. It is what will my eternity be like. If I am in relationship with God, sharing in his divine life when I die, my eternity will be with God. If I am not in right relationship with God, but in a state of alienation from God because of unrepentant serious sin, my eternity will be what Jesus states above. It will be state of eternal damnation and alienation from God. Is sin worth it? We should fear not death but unrepentant sin and its consequences. At the moment that sin seems so satisfying. It is a trap and a lie.

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