Thought of the Day November 17, 2023 Embrace the grace

By 10:03 AM


"We are made in the image and likeness of God. Be fully who you are meant to be. We are the beloved adopted sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. Make the Father proud of you. We share in God’s divine life. Protect your inheritance. We are witnesses of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. Let our witness speak the truth in love. As we embrace these realities, our lives will be different and through God’s grace so will the lives of others around us." (Anonymous)

If we can keep our lives simple by following the direction of the Lord, our lives will be fulfilling. Sometimes we try to be someone other than who we are. That's living in a lie. Sometimes we forget that we are the adopted son or daughter of God. If we would embrace this truth fully, we will reflect God more in our lives. Instead, we choose sin rather than protecting the grace of our inheritance. This grace is the only thing that matters. Sometimes we hesitate and even fail to witness the truth and love of God that we know for fear of rejection. Would I choose rejection of God rather than the rejection of others. It is only by God's grace can I fulfill my purpose in life. Don't let that grace go be in vain.

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