
Thought of the Day December 26 2023 Love comes to those who love

By 10:34 AM

 A Child is born; a Son is given us. Not any child, but the Son of God become Man. The gift of the Father's love to us. How can we respond to such a great gift? Continue the celebration of his birth by staying in the spirit of his birth. As much as possible stay in the spirit of the Church, which celebrates the birth of our Savior for a whole week. Christmas is not just one day to be thrown away with the wrappings of the presents. The spirit of Christmas is to be manifested by our true love for one another. That should never end. Jesus continues to come where love exists. Even though there was no room in the inn, there was room in the heart of Mary and Joseph and the Shepherds. Love enabled them to recognize him when he came.

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