
Thought of the Day March 25, 2024 Lent: the crowning with thorns

By 10:55 AM

 If it was not enough to scourge Jesus beyond the norm, the soldiers tortured him more. The accusation against him was he claimed to be a king. So they weaved a crown made from thorn branches, forced it upon his head, causing more bleeding and pain. Then they mocked him by putting a reed in his hand and pretending to do him homage. Jesus could easily have destroyed each. He remained silent as he fulfilled the prophesy of Isaiah. If the scourging was for the sins of the flesh. The crowning was for our sins of the mind. In his physical weakness he was bullied and abused. What was Jesus' thinking during this ordeal? "If you only knew who it is that you are abusing." When we sin, if we only remember whom we are abusing. 

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