Thought of the Day April 19, 2024 Easter: You are the light

By 10:55 AM

 "I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life." We receive the light and life of Jesus so that we may live in the truth and share in his life. But Jesus also said: "You are the light of the world." We share in his light so that, in turn, we may be a light to others, who are seeking the truth. When we witness our faith to others, our light touches their darkness. That witness may be verbal, sharing the truth of the scriptures, or it may be through signs of love and service to those who are in need. Our light is not to blind them but to open their hearts to the love and life of Jesus. It is his light in and through us that makes the difference. We are conduits of the light. Let your light shine in the darkness of the world of indifference and sin, so that God's life and love may transform it. Are we a light to others?

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